Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Bad impact of Mobile Phones

The Bad Impact Of Mobile Phone For Students

Nowadays, mobile phone has already been a fashion adults ,youths, and children , males and females own it. almost every student takes it to school. spme use it in the right way but some others use it in the wrong way. I would like to tell you that mobile phones have given bad impact for students.

frist, a lot of students are getting lazier-and lazier , they are more attracted to the futures offered by the mobile than the lesson. they chat ,send SMS, play games, they seem to be absorbed by them, they look busy answering the phones calls or making SMS . it consumes time carelessly.

second, they break the morality of some week persons. they save porn pictures or vidio. It will distrub their attention and concentration . they give  more attention to them instead of the intraction given by the teacher.

In the case  the students must be smart how to use mobile phones , which way is useful and which way is useless . there are lots of futures that can support education such as internet access calculator ,dictionary , if they are used wisely . parents should take control the use of them. give their children under seventeen with limited capacity . last but not least they need to switch off their mobile while learning.

thanks all!

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